Ikke helt uventet nytt, men likevel smått deprimerende lesning, "Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic", i The Economist. I alle fall for en som har lagt igjen fire år på den galleien.
The earnings premium for a PhD is 26%. But the premium for a master’s degree, which can be accomplished in as little as one year, is almost as high, at 23%. In some subjects the premium for a PhD vanishes entirely. PhDs in maths and computing, social sciences and languages earn no more than those with master’s degrees. The premium for a PhD is actually smaller than for a master’s degree in engineering and technology, architecture and education. Only in medicine, other sciences, and business and financial studies is it high enough to be worthwhile. Over all subjects, a PhD commands only a 3% premium over a master’s degree.
Vet ikke om det finnes tilsvarende tall for Norge, men det er all grunn til å tro det, siden lavt utdannede har relativt høy lønn sammenlignet med andre land.
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