27. januar 2016

Auditor and Estimote

You seldom hear from many people, even when you do a project that they really like. In pretty much the same manner as I seldom give much feedback to people I don't know. It is also what most authors experience: only once in a while you actually meet a reader who has something to say about what you write.

In this perspective it was a nice surprise to receive a postcard written by hand, from the Polish company Estimote. We have bought some Bluetooth Beacons from Estimote, which we have used for the sound installation Auditor. A postcard is a nice way to keep in touch with a customer when everything else is digital. Highly appreciated.

We were testing Auditor last year (en mer inngående beskrivelse på norsk), and yesterday an abstract was accepted, at conference about transnational radio. From time to time I describe Auditor as sort of locative radio play, but it is quite hard to put this work into a specific genre. I was also quite comfortable with presenting at ELO 2015, labeling this as "electronic literature".
If you wonder what Auditor is all about you get an idea for this video. Just keep in mind that the user's movement is what controls the sound (located by the beacons from Estimote). Turn on captions if you don't speak Norwegian:

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