9. juli 2016

Micro-positioned Storytelling in Sound

I've posted the presentation Micro-positioned Storytelling in Sound where I usually archive such things. I did the presentation yesterday, together with Lars Nyre, at The Radio Conference in Utrecht. An interesting conference in what I found to be a hidden treasure of a city.

Our final panel; @mchughsiobhan @LarsNyre & @jonhoem #radioconference2016 - fascinating discussion pic.twitter.com/BHKMpX8anJ — Jay Sykes Media (@JaySykesMedia) July 8, 2016 

Being in Utrecht I had to skip parts of the conference to visit Schröder Huis, built by Gerrit Rietveld in 1924:

A funny thing was that photographing inside the building was allowed only a few weeks ago. Which means: lots of images

Schröder Huis

The closing of the inner walls was very fascinating:

And why are these two posts merged together. Quite simple really: imagine the stories that could be micro positioned in this kind of house...

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