13. juli 2016

Orson Welles talks about 'Citizen Kane'

The best interview I have ever seen with Orson Welles, speaking about the making of "Citizen Kane"– by many considered the best movie ever made. The film was made in 1941, when Welles was 25 years old.

Given that Welles did not really want to make a film he got a contract that gave him complete artistic freedom, and driven by what he calls "ignorance" he "didn't know that there were things you couldn't do". "It is only when you know something about a profession you are timid, or careful".

In the interview Welles gives tribute to cinematographer Gregg Toland, who came up with several new filming techniques that literally changed the world of cinematography. However, Toland  told Welles that "there was nothing about camerawork you couldn't learn on half a day." You don't learn talent though.

"Kane is everything that I am not: good and bad"

I start wondering what Welles and Toland would have done if they had VR. Toland would have experimented with light.

Rather sad to hear Welles in the end of this small documentary. He was obviously a genius, who could have achieved even more given the chance...

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