3. august 2020

Auditopenta – prototype ferdig

Litt skrekkblandet fryd dette – det blir en ganske svær sak og stativet kunne nok vært konstruert enda mer solid. Det ble litt til ut fra hva som var tilgjengelig ...

Men her står det nå i alle fall: 20 høyttalere fordelt på de fem søylene.

Så er det bare å håpe på at lydkortet med ti stereospor ut ankommer snart. Jeg får ikke testet all verden før det er på plass.

Noen mentale notat knyttet til forgjengere:
  • PLOrk: the Princeton Laptop Orchestra
  • «Spherical Concert Hal
  • For the 1970 World Expo in Osaka in 1970, Germany built the world's first, and so far only, spherical concert hall. It was based on artistic concepts by Karlheinz Stockhausen and an audio-technical concept from the Electronic Studio at the Technical University in Berlin

  • isobelaudio.com/history/
    Amplifed sound usually has a very different character from unamplified sound because of the way it interacts with its environment. Unamplified sound radiates out from its source in all directions, interacting with the walls, floor, ceiling, etc., while most loudspeakers project sound in one direction only. Typical “stereo” or “surround sound” systems have a “sweet spot” where they sound best, and the spatial illusion they create is destroyed if the listener is not properly positioned.

    Hemispherical speakers are entirely different. They produce “localized” sound that emanates from the speaker’s position and interacts with a room’s natural acoustics.

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