17. juli 2022

Sommerlektyre – "The Manual"

The Timelords (med klar referanse til Dr Who), dvs Jimmy Cauty og Bill Drummond, beskriver i "The Manual" (how to have a number one the easy way) fra 1988 hvordan en går frem for å få til en hitlåt.

Mange gode poenger innimellom, blant annet:

Spend Monday evening around at some mate's house. See if he has any records worth borrowing. More importantly, tell him what you are up to and see if he has any great ideas worth using. It is a little known fact but when it comes to creative ideas the majority of people are creative geniuses. Your mate is bound to be one of them. It's just that all these folks never dare to translate their creative brilliance into reality. We guess a couple of libraries could be filled with the reasons why they never attempt it. Something to do with mother and when she first said, "No!"

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