Professor ved Institutt for kunstfag, Høgskulen på Vestlandet – Bergen.

Underviser i kunst og håndverk, og forsker på og med nye kunst- og medieformer. Leder forskergruppen MaTecSus.

Jeg er interessert i forholdet mellom medier og fysiske materialer: i 2021 kom boken Digitale medier og materialitet med en grundig diskusjon av denne tematikken.

Fremover jobber jeg særlig med den telematiske operaen Zosimos (2023-26) og (støy)instrumentet Sonic Greenhouse.

Nylig avsluttede prosjekter er Sonus (2023), Sampling av lyd og bærekraft (2022-), "Auditomosjon" (2021-23) og "Aquafoni" (2022).

Videre sfæriske medier, ulike former for roboter, mm.

Min Dr.-avhandling om personlig publisering (2009).

Siterte artikler og publikasjoner i Cristin.

13. november 2017

Spheric short film - "Last Snow"

Among the more existing things I can do at work is to surprise myself. That is not always easy, but with the help of technology it happens from time to time. Simple expressions can be transformed into something one did not expect.

I am currently working on a simple method to create spheric videos, and in order to test the concept I made a short fiction. I was quite pleased by the result, which actually surprised me and became close to as surreal as I had hoped for.

I am  not among those who will watch this kind of videos for a long time. But for a little more than two minutes I am willing to put on the VR-glasses.

Next phase will be to try to add ambisonic sound, as this is only a simple stereo track. That is actually what this test is really about: I will try to lead the viewer's attention by using sound.
Update: Not ambisonic, but some work on the stereo perspective do also make a difference:

One spheric image was manipulated into a sequence, some transitions and a soundtrack, and there you go: a short film in 360. No fancy stuff...

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