Professor ved Institutt for kunstfag, Høgskulen på Vestlandet – Bergen.

Underviser i kunst og håndverk, og forsker på og med nye kunst- og medieformer. Leder forskergruppen MaTecSus.

Jeg er interessert i forholdet mellom medier og fysiske materialer: i 2021 kom boken Digitale medier og materialitet med en grundig diskusjon av denne tematikken.

Fremover jobber jeg særlig med den telematiske operaen Zosimos (2023-26) og (støy)instrumentet Sonic Greenhouse.

Nylig avsluttede prosjekter er Sonus (2023), Sampling av lyd og bærekraft (2022-), "Auditomosjon" (2021-23) og "Aquafoni" (2022).

Videre sfæriske medier, ulike former for roboter, mm.

Min Dr.-avhandling om personlig publisering (2009).

Siterte artikler og publikasjoner i Cristin.

6. oktober 2016

"Children's Game" at Las Cigarreras

We like to visit places like ‘Las Cigarreras’ in Alicante, because there is often interesting things happening. This time we hit the bullseye as they were exhibiting the spanish artist Gemma Herrero's work: "Children's Game" - Augmented Reality for cellphones (see Gema Herrero 2016 Instalación en Las Cigarreras). The augmented layer include some video material, animations and sound recordings, displayed in a virtual gallery accessible via images and QR-codes. There is also an interesting workshop going on.

"Each virtual gallery and different sound installations includes soundtracks: the streets’ soundtrack. Several cities are mixed up and intertwined as they follow the pace of their inhabitants’ words and the rhythm of the anonymous musicians as they play their repertoire in public sites."

This could almost serve as a description of Auditor – which is funny: yesterday we delivered a paper ("Location-based plotlines in sound: Results from a field trial of a prototype medium and story") were we discuss Sonic Augmented Reality.

Back to  "Children's Game". I have to apologise for the terrible sound quality. There was quite a lot of noise in the room, but the main reason is that I only had a cellphone, which is pretty broken, with the microphone taped over:

The images integrating each section connect different materials: Unexpected places; activities carried out in spaces temporarily adequate for a purpose other than the original one; collection of fragments from articles about economics, politics published in the international press and fragments from writings (Walter Benjamin, Byung-Chul Han…).


The last thing I  had the students do, back home, was making small house models and do minature photography. They do similar things in Alicante :)

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